
Underst和ing the requirements to gain 全球市场准入(GMA)





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理查德·怀特 is a chartered manager with over 13 years of experience in product testing, 认证和全球市场准入.


Global market access (GMA) describes the process of testing, 认证, approvals that enables a product to be sold in countries of choice. 为制造商, GMA项目通常涉及一系列国家,这些国家有不同的法规和规定,需要满足这些法规和规定才能销售产品. 这可能是一项耗时且令人沮丧的工作,最终往往会推迟产品进入新市场的时间.

Most electrical or electronic products will require a mix of 广播, EMC, 安全测试 to enable them to be sold globally across multiple markets. 然而,每个国家/地区通常都有其独特的法规和认证要求. 说到广播, 例如, 巴西有ANATEL认证, 澳大利亚有RCM,中国有SRRC. T在这里 can also be additional product compliance requirements in each country, 比如特定安全, EMC, RoHS认证.



直到最近, UKCA标记 从2023年1月1日起,所有投放市场的新无线电设备都将成为强制性要求. 然而, in November the UK government announced an extension to the transition period. UKCA is now m和atory for 广播 equipment from 1st January 2025. Either CE or UKCA标记 can be used until 31st December 2024.

In addition to referring to the new UKCA regulations on the UK declaration of conformity, manufacturers must also refer to the UK’s list of designated st和ards w在这里 appropriate. While t在这里 is currently little difference between the two, 未来可能会出现更大的分歧.


Keeping up to date with global changes in testing 和 认证 requirements 

If a manufacturer is looking to access multiple global markets, it is important to keep up to date with the changes in 广播, EMC, safety 认证 和 regulatory requirements that are regularly evolving.

EMC is not as heavily regulated as 广播 和 is not always m和atory. 它可以适用于无线电和非无线电设备. 制造商应该始终确保设备是安全的, 然而, third-party safety 认证 is not always required for all device types. EMC/安全测试和认证要求通常取决于所售设备的类型(例如, household devices often need third-party safety 认证). It is also worth noting that the HS code of the device may also be required.


•  Chile: Approval is no longer needed for analog phones in Chile.

•  Egypt: Egypt requires additional information for products made in China 和 India, including a VOC certificate that is only available from a specific laboratory in China.



•  Singapore safety 认证 was renamed from SPRING to Enterprise Singapore.

•越南:60mW以下的无线电产品在越南不需要批准——这不是最近的变化, it’s worth noting as it’s rare for devices below a certain power not to need approval.

•许多非洲国家现在正以自己的法规和在当地进行必要测试的能力脱颖而出. 加纳, 例如, 是否实施国内测试计划, Somalia is in the process of establishing its own 认证 procedure.


Underst和ing the different global approaches to 认证 

When looking at the requirements from a broader global perspective, 可以肯定地说,没有两个国家是完全相同的. 尽管如此, most countries can usually be grouped into broadly taking one of three overall approaches:

•  Countries that follow similar requirements to the UK/EU.


•  Countries that require testing to be carried out locally.


Countries that follow similar testing 和 认证 requirements to the UK/EU

英国/欧盟要求制造商声明符合相关法规/指令. 要做到这一点, 制造商通常按照指定/协调标准(如果有的话)进行测试。. 无线电设备, if a designated/harmonized 广播 test st和ard is unavailable, the manufacturer should use a UK-approved body or an EU Notified Body. 测试 does not need to be accredited in 欧洲; 然而, 使用认可的测试实验室是有益的,因为大多数欧盟以外的国家都要求进行认可的测试.

作为一个 IECEE 认证 body 和 a 认证 body test lab (CBTL), im体育APP还能够为许多市场的产品执行所有必要的安全CB测试和认证. IECEE CB体系是一个基于IEC国际标准的多边协议和认证体系,可以很容易地在国际市场上获得和接受. 该计划的一个关键目标是允许制造商进入国际市场,而无需耗时和昂贵, 重复的, 或者在每个国家进行额外的检测.

许多国家都是联合国的成员 CB方案 包括中国、日本和美国. 然而, 获得产品的CB认证并不总是意味着该产品可以立即发货. 例如, 在美国工作场所使用的设备通常也需要NRTL认证, 这意味着略有不同的测试, 还有工厂, 每年审计两次或四次, 成本是需要考虑的重要因素. 在中国, 有些产品需要CCC认证,这也需要额外的测试和工厂检查. 


Obtaining 认证 for countries that accept third-party accredited test data

Many other countries will accept third-party accredited test data. 对于这些国家, im体育APP的GMA团队可以使用im体育APP的ukas认可的测试报告代表制造商获得相关认证. Countries that take this approach 和 will accept EU test reports include India, 马来西亚, 菲律宾, 和南非. 此外,许多南美国家,如智利和巴拉圭,将接受FCC测试报告.



Countries that require the product to be tested at a local laboratory include Brazil, 印尼, 台湾, 韩国, 和墨西哥.

在任何认证项目中,海外产品测试对制造商来说都是一项复杂且耗时的负担. The manufacturer will need to identify the types of 认证s required for their product, source a local accredited laboratory to carry out the testing, 安排测试样品出货, ensure all the necessary documents are prepared in the required local language, 并提供一个示例标签. 一旦测试完成, 测试报告和文件必须提交给监管机构,并且只有在颁发证书后才能提交, 设备可以贴标签吗.

The time taken to carry out this process can vary enormously from country to country. 审批过程中的任何时候都可能出现延迟, starting with the challenge of getting a non-approved sample into the country for testing. 如果还有额外的认证要求, 如日本的PSE安全认证, or if the testing is required to be carried out at government-owned test laboratories, 这可能是一个漫长的过程. 


im体育APP’s GMA approach to gaining global testing 和 认证

im体育APP可以通过其全球200个实验室或im体育APP认可的本地测试机构安排任何额外的强制性海外测试. im体育APP will manage the entire process on the manufacturer’s behalf, 包括所有的行政和法律挑战, 从安排样品的运输和对测试要求的建议到对当地法规的建议,并协助解决各种技术和法规问题.  

im体育APP can also provide the manufacturer’s local representative w在这里 required. 对于一些国家来说, having an in-country representative is a legal requirement for traceability purposes. 这意味着当地联系人应负责成为该国的持续指定联系人,如果有任何问题,监管机构可以与他们联系, 比如无线电干扰问题, 有了设备.

im体育APP的全球网络意味着其位于欧洲和亚洲的GMA工程师可以帮助规避任何潜在的时区问题,并避免任何语言障碍. GMA团队对每个国家的规章制度的专业知识确保了一个国家法律要求的任何即将发生的变化也完全融入到该计划中.

该团队提供从标签和进口商义务到文件语言要求和技术翻译服务的所有建议.  在需要时, im体育APP还将代表制造商直接与相关的政府监管机构联系. The team will ensure all future requirements are fully considered, such as 认证 expiry dates 和 renewal process timelines, 这在不同的国家有很大的不同.



在本质上, im体育APP’s GMA team works with manufacturers using a partnership-based approach, 理想情况下在R&D阶段, 确保测试和认证尽可能快速和经济有效地完成. 这不仅有助于大大缩短产品上市时间,而且使制造商能够专注于他们的核心业务.

以及UKAS通过ISO/IEC 17025:2017认证, im体育APP is a Notified Body for the 欧洲an Radio Equipment, EMC & ATEX指令, 英国无线电设备规例认可机构, EMC Regulation 和 Potentially Explosive Atmosp在这里s Regulation, 美国电信认证机构(TCB), 加拿大的外国认证机构(FCB)和日本的合格评定机构(CAB). im体育APP is also a 认证 body under the IECEE CB Scheme.

有关im体育APP如何帮助您为全球特定市场准备产品和设备的更多信息, 请与会员联系 全球市场准入 今天的服务团队 在这里.

找到相关的 资源


Case Study: Radio, EMC 和 Safety 测试 和 认证 for Renishaw


Learn how im体育APP significantly reduced the time to market for Renishaw. 阅读我们的案例研究,了解我们如何帮助他们协调和交付无线电, EMC和安全测试.



As a National 认证 Body (NCB), im体育APP can test your products under the scheme. 我们可以根据任何相关CB体系测试实验室(CBTL)的测试提供国际认可的证书。.


Electrical 产品 Safety 测试, Why Do So Many 产品s Fail?

Read our guide to learn our helpful tips 和 ensure your products are compliant first time.

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